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Crafted by Our Community to Serve Yours
Through direct relationships and our ever-growing dealer network, Osage delivers quality across America every day.
VIEW LATEST DELIVERIESDid you know you can Remount your box onto a different brand chassis depending on size, wheelbase, and other factors.
Contact Osage for more Remount information.
VIEW REMOUNT FAQSThe Type I ambulance might be the standard choice for a lot of departments, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring.
Available in two-wheel and four-wheel drive, our Type I's can be customized to any requirements.
VIEW TYPE I AMBULANCESType III ambulances built for durability and safety
Constructed with a completely seamless body, our Type III ambulances are built with high quality specifications to meet the needs of all our customers.
VIEW TYPE III AMBULANCESOsage is the premier custom Type II builder in the industry, innovating new interior layouts every day to fit the function of each customer's requests.

// Here for the last 40 years. Here to stay. //
Osage Ambulances has been in business since 1983, when we started the company by building personal-use conversion vans. As we moved into the emergency vehicle space, it has always been our goal to build custom, high-quality ambulances for communities across America. We’ve been exclusive ambulance manufacturers for 40 years, putting quality and durability first, with no intention of stopping. Industries change and new players are always emerging. You can trust in Osage to be a constant face with a high quality and well-supported vehicle line-up.
Constructed with Care; Customized by You
It’s rare that a department can fit their needs and requirements inside a cookie-cutter box. That’s why at Osage we can customize your vehicle to your communities’ requests. We manufacture everything in-house and have the staff and equipment to build the truck best for your needs.
Crafted by our community to serve yours.
The people who work at Osage don’t do so just to clock in and out and collect a paycheck. They want to be part of building vehicles that will save lives in your community. We are also a community and our people make a difference in the process. From sales down to the last coat of paint, we are a proud and loyal family ready to serve yours.
Work With Us – Join a Top-Rated Ambulance Manufacturer
At Osage, we always take care of the customer and never forget our employees. With an average tenure of 20 years, the longevity of our close-knit team speaks for itself. Our staff is made up of skilled craftspeople who deliver results and make the workplace fun, too. Looking to join the team? Explore our available positions using the button below!